문영준의 음악 이야기

팝송 타임 애프터 타임 에바 캐시디 [문영준의 뮤직 파일] 가사 Time After Time Eva Cassidy

지상의 천사 2024. 7. 21. 21:02

[문영준의 뮤직 파일 0036]



Time After Time  타임 애프터 타임

Eva Cassidy   에바 캐시디 



신디 로퍼의

노래도 좋았지만


에바 캐시디의

노래도 참 맛깔나네요.


아니 이 겨울에

더욱더 어울리는 느낌이네요.





Lying in my bed

I hear the clock tick and think of you

Caught up in circles

Confusion is nothing new

Flash back, warm nights, almost left behind

Suitcase of memories

Time after


Sometimes you pictured me

I'm walking too far ahead

You're calling to me

I can't hear what you've said

Then you said: Go slow, I fall behind

The second hand unwinds


If you're lost you can look

And you will find me, time after time

If you fall I will catch you

I'll be waiting, time after time


If you're lost you can look

And you will find me, time after time

If you fall, I will catch you

I'll be waiting, time after time


After my picture fades

And darkness has turned to grey

Watching through windows

You're wondering if I'm ok

Secrets stolen from deep inside

The drum beats out of time


If you're lost you can look

And you will find me, time after time

If you fall I will catch you

I'll be waiting, time after time


You said: Go slow, I fall behind

The second hand unwinds


If you're lost you can look

And you will find me, time after time

If you fall I will catch you

I'll be waiting, time after time


If you're lost you can look

And you will find me, time after time

If you fall I will catch you

I'll be waiting, time after time


Time after time

Time after time

Time after time

Time after time


Time after time

Time after time

Time after time

Time after time



타임 애프터 타임  에바 캐시디  Time After Time  Eva Cassidy    


팝송 타임 애프터 타임  에바 캐시디  Time After Time  Eva Cassidy    




에바 캐시디 Eva Cassidy



[문영준의 이야기] (추천 위주의 가이드 사이트)



문영준의 이야기

문영준이 소개하는 영화 책 TV 음악 그리고 문과 이과의 벽을 허문 남자의 이야기 (50개 이상의 외국어 학습 서울대 언어학과 석사 및 전자공학 박사 수료)



by young v. 24.1.19

