문영준의 음악 추천

팝송 Uptown Girl Billy Joel [문영준의 뮤직 파일] 가사 업타운 걸 빌리 조엘

지상의 천사 2024. 7. 17. 05:39

[문영준의 뮤직 파일 0026]


팝송                   추억의 팝송

Uptown Girl  업타운 걸

Billy Joel        빌리 조엘



빌리 조엘의 9번째 앨범

An Innocent Man (1983)에 실려있던 곡으로

같은 해 나왔던 마이클 잭슨의

빌리 진과 함께 

그 해를 무지 달구었던 곡이다


updown 이 있다면 

당연히 downtown이 있고


도시에서 상업지역을 가리키던 

아래 지역이 지금은

경제의 중심지라는 의미로 사용된다


당연히 우리나라에도

윗마을 아랫마을 개념이 있고


중심권에서 먼 쪽을

아랫마을이라고도 한다


어찌 되었건

그 당시 중3이었던 

나의 가슴을 뜨겁게 했던 노래다 





She's been living in her uptown world

I bet she's never had a backstreet guy

I bet her mamma never told her why

I'm gonna try for an


Uptown girl

She's been living in her white-bread world

As long as anyone with hot blood can

And now, she's looking for a downtown man

That's what I am


And when she knows what she wants from her time

And when she wakes up and makes up her mind


She'll see I'm not so tough

Just because I'm in love with an


Uptown girl

You know I've seen her in her uptown world

She's getting tired of her high-class toys

And all the presents from her uptown boys

She's got a choice


Uptown girl

You know I can't afford to buy her pearls

But maybe, someday, when my ship comes in

She'll understand what kind of guy I've been

And then I'll win


And when she's walking, she's looking so fine

And when she's talking, she'll say that she's mine


She'll say I'm not so tough

Just because I'm in love with an


Uptown girl

She's been living in her white-bread world

As long as anyone with hot blood can

And now, she's looking for a downtown man

That's what I am


Uptown girl, she's my uptown girl

You know I'm in love with an uptown girl, my uptown girl

You know I'm in love with an uptown girl, my uptown girl

You know I'm in love with an uptown girl, my uptown girl



Billy Joel - Uptown Girl (Official Video)


팝송 Uptown Girl Billy Joel 업타운 걸 빌리 조엘



빌리 조엘    Billy Joel



by young v. 25.6.20   🇰🇷🇺🇸🇯🇵|🇨🇳🇩🇪 


09/17/2024 (updated)
